Anyone who’s had a treatment with me will know this is one of my favorite points.  It’s great for so many things!!

It is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg, in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.

GB34 is the influential point of tendons and sinews.  It’s the he-sea point of the gallbladder meridian and the earth point of the wood element.  It’s where the qi in the meridian collects and goes deep into the body. It moves the liver qi and activates the meridian.  It harmonizes the shaoyang.  It clears damp heat from the LV/GB meridians and phlegm from the ST meridian.  It also tonifies GB qi.

What does this all mean? 

On a physical level this point helps to move the energy and clear out the gunk to treat pain, weakness and numbness anywhere along the gallbladder meridian.  This would include any side and ribcage pain, lower extremity pain, stiffness in the muscles and joints and swelling in the knees.  It can treat diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and a bitter taste in the mouth.  It can treat alternating chills and fever, jaundice an cholecystitis.  Do you find yourself sighing a lot?  It can help with that too.

On a mental and emotional level the liver and gallbladder are strongly affected by stress, the environment and anything that causes one to tense up.  This can create feelings of anger, irritability and fearfulness.  By using this point the energy can start flowing again and rid the body of the stuckness that has been created by these outside forces.  Stimulating it also signals the brain to create and release more dopamine to help with an increased sense of motivation and feelings of hope.

To feel the full benefits this point has to offer press on it while inhaling and release while exhaling. Do this for 3 minutes on each leg a few times a week.  You’ll be glad you did!

Aysha Nuttall, RAc