This point is located in the depression created between the origins of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles or simply put, at the base of the skull between the two large neck muscles. 

GB20 is a meeting point of the gallbladder and triple warmer channels with the yang wei and yang qiao vessels. It’s an important point to treat wind-heat and wind-cold.  It dispels exterior and interior wind. It clears heat and subdues liver yang. This point clears the head by opening the channels. It brightens the eyes and sharpens hearing.  It also harmonizes qi and blood. 

What does this all mean? 

On a physical level this point helps to move the energy and clear out the phlegm to treat pain, stiffness and heaviness anywhere along the upper part of the meridian.  This includes neck, shoulder and upper back issues. This would also include headaches and migraines, especially tension headaches where you find yourself massaging your temples or where your head feels too heavy to hold up on its own.  It’s a great point to treat trigeminal neuralgia. This point can help relieve overall dizziness, visual dizziness and vertigo by promoting equilibrium. It helps with twitching and tremors.  GB20 can help cold and flu symptoms run through the system quicker. This could be deep nasal congestion, a runny nose or nosebleeds.  It can help with painful red eyes, fever and chills or the absence of sweating. It can treat tinnitus and deafness. It can help with loss of speech.  It can also help with insomnia and improve overall sleep quality.  The time associated with the gallbladder is between 11pm and 1am. If you find yourself restless during this time this point might be just what you need. 

On a mental and emotional level stimulating GB20 positively affects the vagus nerve to calm the body and activate the parasympathetic system.  This promotes relaxation, relieves tension and stress, and enhances overall mental wellbeing. Doesn’t that sound great!