This point is located between the 6th and 7th ribs on the lateral aspect of the chest on the mid axillary line.  Imagine giving yourself a hug and feel where your fingers land. This spot should be a little sensitive. 

SP21 is an exit point and the last point on the spleen meridian. It is a foot taiyin point and a major luo connecting point. It moves and regulates blood.  It also regulates qi and descends lung qi.  Lastly dabao benefits the joints and sinews. 

What does this all mean? 

On a physical level this point helps with the feeling of fullness in the chest, chest pain and side rib pain. It’s helps to relieve asthma symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath. Spleen 21 helps with general aching and an overall weakness in the body, for some this manifests as fibromyalgia. It can help with pain all over the body since this area is full of connective tissue and fascia that connects to the limbs, internal organs and postural muscles of the abdomen.  SP21 ensures that every organ and function down to the cellular level receives a fair and appropriate share of nourishment. 

The time associated with the spleen is between 9am and 11am which is when it converts food to qi. During this period, it’s believed that qi is being propelled upward by the spleen.

On a mental and emotional level stimulating SP21 can open ones perception. It allows a person to appreciate the bounty of what’s within.  It opens the realization of all that is Mother Earth and what she has to offer us.  Dabao allows us to feel our mother’s embrace whether that’s mother earth or a mother figure or our own biological mothers.  It allows us to accept and feel comfort. 

To feel the full benefits this point has to offer press on it while inhaling and release while exhaling. Do this for 3 minutes on each side a few times a week.  You’ll be glad you did!

Aysha Nuttall, RAc, INHC