Autumn on the West Coast brings a lot of rain. This creates dampness in our environment as well as in our bodies. This can effect our respiratory systems, our digestive systems, lead to menstrual issues and mental health issues as well. Our joints can get achy and a few more ahems than we like come out of our throats.

Located on the traverse cubital crease, on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon LU5 can be a great point to push on when the season of phlegm and dampness hits.
It is the he-sea point of the lung channel. It clears lung heat and expels lung phlegm. It frees water passages and benefits the bladder. It also descends lung qi and rectifies the counterflow of qi.

For the respiratory system this means it can help clear up coughs, chest congestion or asthma. It dissipates fullness in the chest. It realxes the airways in the lungs and reduces inflammation in the lungs. It can help to relieve afternoon fevers, tidal fevers or a sore throat. It helps with allergies and hay fever by relieving sinus congestion and pressure to minimize sinus pain and a runny nose. It also relieves wheezing and shortness of breath.

For the digestive system this means LU5 can help with abdominal pain causing vomitting and diarrhea. It can help to regulate bowel movements. It reduces inflammation in the digestive tract. It reduces bloating and gas. It can improve appetite and digestion. All this and it can help with acid reflux.

When it comes to the emotions this point can help with stress and anxiety by helping to increase the body’s natural production of endorphins and serotonin. It can also help to move one through grief and aid in letting go.

For your body as a whole this fabulous point can improve circulation, clear upper body edema and reduce mastitis. Locally it treats elbow and arm pain including tendonitis. It can help with upper back pain. It also helps to alleviate urine retention.

To feel the full benefits this point has to offer, press on it while inhaling and release while exhaling. Do this for 3 minutes on each arm a few times a week while exhibiting these systems. Better yet book your next acupuncture appointment today.