This point is located at the apex of the axillary fossa or simply the centre of the armpit. 

HT1 is the entry point of the meridian and regulates qi flow from the torso to the arm and vice versa.  This activates the meridian. It frees the chest and benefits the arm. This also helps to move heart blood stagnation.  Ji Quan is a spirit point that connects our consciousness to the universal consciousness and aligns our personal heart with the heart of the universe.  Overall this promotes emotional warmth. 

What does this all mean? 

On a physical level this point helps remove chest congestion, calms heart palpitations, and relieve shortness of breath. This is a great point for people with heart disease.  Heart 1 can help relieve pain in the shoulder, arm, chest and side, as well as the upper thoracic area or upper back. Something I’ve personally been dealing with is frozen shoulder.  This point is great to warm the cold and numbness that’s associated with this condition. 

The time associated with the heart is between 11am and 1pm which is when it will work to pump nutrients around the body to help provide you with energy and nutrition. If you find yourself restless during this time this point might be just what you need. 

On a mental and emotional level stimulating HT1 can create positive effects for people struggling to survive, who have a feeling of internal chaos. This point gets deep by helping people who have a sense of isolation, abandonment, shock and who have experienced severe trauma.  It can help those who have feelings of betrayal leading to challenges with intimacy. It can help with sadness, anxiety and panic attacks. The summer heat can create a sense of mental restlessness, Heart 1 can help promote relaxation and enhance overall mental wellbeing. 

To feel the full benefits this point has to offer press on it while inhaling and release while exhaling. Do this for 3 minutes on each side a few times a week.  You’ll be glad you did!

Aysha Nuttall, RAc, INHC