Frequently Asked Questions
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Common Questions
What should I expect on my first visit to the clinic?
Initial visits generally last from 90 minutes. Your acupuncturist will take a detailed health history, and provide you with your unique treatment plan.
During your first exam, your acupuncturist will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health.
Your practitioner will also employ diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and TCM such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
Your acupuncturist may include other related therapies in your treatment plan, such as cupping, electro-acupuncture, Gua Sha or moxabustion. Herbal remedies are another important aspect of acupuncture and TCM, and it is important to understand and follow your practitioner’s directions in order to get the most benefit from these treatments.
How does Acupuncture work?
To treat any imbalances, fine, sterile, one use needles will be inserted at specific acupuncture points along the meridian pathways. Your acupuncturist will concentrate on acupuncture points related to specific organs, based on your unique issues and symptoms. If the issue is more musculoskeletal based then needles will also be used to release tight muscles and encourage healing in those areas.
Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
What does acupuncture treat?
*headaches and migraines
*neck and back pain
*joint and muscle pain
*strains and sprains
*pre surgical prep and post surgical healing
*pms, period pain and menstrual issues
*labour prep
*symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause
*stress and anxiety
*digestive issues
*sleep issues
and so much more…………
How many session will I need?
Everyone’s needs are different. For some people 3-5 treatments will be enough and for others it will be more like 5-10 treatments. Acupuncture is cumulative meaning that each appointment builds on the last. The closer together your appointments are, the quicker the healing process will likely go.
Are there any side effects to the treatment?
Do the needles hurt?
The short answer is not really. You might feel little pin pricks or you might feel nothing at all. The needles are hair thin so they shouldn’t cause any discomfort, however each point is different and may create a different sensation. An ache, pressure or heavy sensation are common once the needles are in.
Find Us
#25B - 215 Port Augusta Street
Comox, BC
V9M 3M9
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(250) 941-0961
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Office Hours
Monday: 2:15pm - 8:15pm
Tuesday: 2:15am - 815pm
Wednesday: 2:15am - 815pm
Thursday: 9am - 815pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed